Members Homepage

This portion of our site is for members and friends of Trinity Moravian Church only — to see the directory portion, which includes contact information for our members, you have to log in as a member.

Did you receive a notification of your account? Please use the login name and password sent to you to log in HERE. Immediately check your details to make sure they are correct, you can update all info yourself. Then choose a new, secure password that you can remember. And please upload a picture of yourself!

Please note – because the system requires a unique email address for each listing, when spouses share a single email, we had to assign one of them a fictional address such as “” Please contact the church office to update those accounts with a different email.

Don’t have a login? Please contact Pastor John at An active email account is needed for security.

Don’t have email and don’t want email (or more likely you have a relative in that boat if you are seeing this!) – you can request a printed copy of the directory to be mailed to you. Contact